Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Timpanogos Cave

Last Saturday was the first Saturday in recent history where we didn't have 10 million things going on. We couldn't do much work on the bathrooms because we were waiting for the paint to dry, so we thought we would take advantage of the situation. We took the kids to Timpanogos Cave. They had so much fun, and we didn't hear one complaint the whole way up. The way down was another story, but even that wasn't to bad, they just thought they needed an entire handful of Swedish fish at every switchback. We really enjoyed the time we got to spend together. Sometimes I feel like we are all going in so many different directions all day. I have to keep track of who is at soccer, who is at dance or scouts, who is going to be at home with the kids, who has meetings on which days. It was a nice break from the rat race. For one whole afternoon, we were all heading in the same direction at the same time. Hopefully we can find more moments like that when the whole family can be together for more than just dinner or a quick family night. It was very refreshing. The best part was that they were having too much fun to argue or fight with each other. I am still amazed!


Ali said...

Sounds like so much fun! I miss those beautiful mountains so badly when I'm out here in the midwest! I completely understand the "going in different directions" thing. Life seems to be going into hyper-speed and we aren't even dealing with teenagers yet.

Steph said...

found you!! Cute family!